Vastu Tips: Proper location and maintenance of all kinds of rooms in the house form an important part of Vastu Shastra to ensure a more peaceful and prosperous living. Amidst these, Kirti Saini tells us how some practical Vastu tips regarding the location and maintenance of a storeroom can bring about a big change.
Ideal Directions for Your Storeroom
According to Saini, the four ideal directions for the inlay of your storeroom are South, South-West, West, and North-West. Any of these directions ensures that the energy of the storeroom resonates with the overall energy flow of your home. It must also be well-ventilated, with sufficient natural light. Totally dark or heavily shaded spaces must, therefore, be avoided at all costs since this will kill the energy in the room.
The other important thing she points out is lighting. She suggests that one must keep a small light bulb in the storeroom. This will keep up the auspicious and cordial atmosphere. Since there is absolutely no natural light, more care has to be taken. Other tips for Vastu are to paint the walls of the storeroom with light colors. Dark colors give a feeling of heaviness and stagnation. The reverse of that is what Vastu wants: light and open.
Placement and Directions for Optimal Energy
She also recommends that a bowl of sea salt in the room, replacing it periodically, will further enhance the stored energy in the storeroom. According to her, sea salt has purifying properties and can absorb the negativity. The storeroom should always be kept clean and uncluttered to make way for the entry of positive energy.
Last but not least, Saini has underlined that the storeroom should not be in the North, East, or Northeast sides of the house. These directions are more suitable for other purposes, such as living rooms or bedrooms, where they will work far more effectively in creating a balanced Vastu home. By following these simple Vastu tips, you will be able to arrange and maintain your storeroom in a way that creates a much more harmonious and positive living space.