Credit Cards: Most people use credit cards in an effort to improve their financial stability. However, a lot of people use credit cards for other reasons besides just taking advantage of their credit limit. Benefits associated with credit cards can take many different forms, including rewards, cashback, travel, lifestyle, and more. One of the most basic forms of credit card advantage is cashback, which may be obtained through cashback credit cards. Whenever you make a purchase, a credit card with cashback allows you to save a portion of your purchase price and receive cash back on all of your purchases. This could be really beneficial for you in the upcoming Diwali season as you might be planning to get your hands on multiple things. In this article, we will tell you about three cars that give the best cashback offers in India. Details.
Credit Cards with the best Cashback in India
1. Cashback SBI Card
Compared to other cashback credit cards on the market, the SBI Cashback Credit Card gives the highest reward rate—5%—on online purchases. The fact that there are no merchant limits is another feature that sets this card apart. As a result, regardless of the website you spend on, you receive cashback. This is improbable because a lot of cards with large rewards typically only work with specific platforms. Because the cashback is transferred straight to the card account, there is also a relatively simpler reward redemption process with this card.
2. Axis Bank ACE credit card
With the 2% flat-rate cashback that comes with the Axis Bank Ace Credit Card, you can potentially get good value back on all of your transactions. With Google Pay, you can get up to 5% cashback on bill payments, DTH, and cellphone recharges. For certain retailers like Swiggy, Zomato, and Ola, you can get 4% cashback. Everybody can benefit from all of these categories. Furthermore, there is no cap on the total amount of cashback that may be earned, making it an excellent offer for people who regularly make purchases in all of these areas.
3. Flipkart Axis Bank Credit Card
Axis Bank Credit Card from Flipkart is among the top co-branded credit cards available in India. Those who shop frequently on Flipkart would benefit most from it, as it offers 5% cashback on all purchases made on listed sites. Additionally, get 4% back on purchases made at ClearTrip, PVR, Uber, and Cure, among other retailers.Also available is fit. The three extremely popular categories of shopping, travel, and lifestyle are essentially covered by one card. On their own platforms and with certain partner merchants, comparable cards such as Amazon Pay and Paytm SBI Card provide excellent advantages. Still, the Flipkart Card is more useful because its partner merchants are some of the most well-known in their respective categories.
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