Pavel Durov: French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday addressed the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, dismissing rumors and emphasizing that the detention was part of an “ongoing judicial investigation” rather than a “political decision.” Durov was reportedly arrested at an airport outside Paris on August 24, though the reasons behind his detention remained unclear for several days.
In a statement on social media platform X, Macron reiterated France’s commitment to freedom of expression and innovation. “I have seen false information regarding France following the arrest of Pavel Durov. France is deeply committed to freedom of expression and communication, to innovation, and to the spirit of entrepreneurship. It will remain so,” Macron wrote.
Judiciary’s Independence Stressed
President Macron also highlighted the independence of France’s judiciary, stating that the legal system operates within the framework of the rule of law to protect citizens and uphold fundamental rights. “It is up to the judiciary, in full independence, to enforce the law. It is in no way a political decision. It is up to the judges to rule on the matter,” Macron added in his statement.
Details of the Arrest Emerge
Durov’s arrest, which was not officially confirmed until several days later, sparked widespread speculation. According to a police spokesman, Durov is under investigation by France’s national cyber crime and fraud offices for allegedly failing to cooperate with authorities in matters related to cyber and financial crimes on Telegram, the messaging platform he founded. Durov remains in custody, the spokesman confirmed to Reuters.
International Reactions and Rising Tensions
The arrest has caused a stir both in the tech industry and in Russia, where prominent figures have criticized the move. Russian senator Alexei Pushkov condemned the arrest, calling France a “liberal dictatorship” in a Telegram post and accusing the country of suppressing those who claim freedom.
The incident also comes amid increasing tensions between France and Russia. French authorities have accused Russia of attempting to destabilize the country ahead of the Paris Olympics, particularly in response to France’s firm stance on the Ukraine war. Russia has denied these accusations.
The arrest of Durov, a high-profile figure in the tech world, is likely to further complicate relations between the two nations and has already raised concerns about the implications for freedom of communication and innovation.
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