Deepinder Goyal: The Zomato Feeding India Concert (ZFIC), a significant event aimed at combating hunger and malnutrition throughout India, has made a triumphant return, as announced by Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal. The concert this year promises to be a thrilling and memorable occasion with worldwide music phenomenon Dua Lipa as the main artist.
Zomato Feeding India Concert
The Zomato Feeding India Concert is part of Zomato’s ongoing mission to tackle the critical issues of hunger and malnutrition in the country. Deepinder Goyal took to X (formerly Twitter) to share his excitement about the event, stating, “ZFIC is back! Headlining this year’s event is my favourite global pop icon Dua Lipa, an inspiration to millions worldwide!”
Event Details and Ticket Information
Mumbai will host the Zomato Feeding India Concert on November 30, 2024. Tickets will go on sale on August 27; the precise location has not yet been disclosed. Zomato’s Feeding India project will receive all proceeds from ticket sales and donations, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to make a substantial impact in the battle against hunger.
Impact and Legacy of ZFIC
The Zomato Feeding India Concert has garnered global attention in the past when famous artists performed there, and Dua Lipa’s participation this year is anticipated to raise awareness of the occasion even more. In addition to raising awareness of the problem of hunger, the event unites the public, musicians, and donors in a concerted effort to end hunger in India.
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