Choksi denied bail; Dominica prosecutor says he entered illegally on May 21

A Dominican court court today denied bail to Mehul Choksi – the fugitive diamond trader wanted over the Rs 13,500 crore loan fraud case in India – for illegally entering into the Caribbean island nation from Antigua.

Mehul Choksi’s lawyer argued that he should be granted bail on health grounds, which was denied by the magistrate court. The diamantaire will stay in the hospital under police security. The matter has been adjourned till June 14.

Interestingly, the state attorney, Sherma Dalrymple, while listing the illegal entry charge against Choksi, also informed the magistrate that he did enter Dominica illegally on May 21.

Till now, it was being claimed by his family and lawyers that he went missing from Antigua on May 23 (Sunday).

Dominican government’s claim that he entered the country two earlier than what his family claimed has further raised eyebrows on the circumstances under which he actually reached the island.

According to dominicanewsonline, Choksi has pleaded ‘not guilty’ to the illegal entry charge. The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, earlier on Wednesday, had ordered him to be produced in court and face the illegal entry charge.

Offering to pay a bail amount of ECD 10,000, double the fine amount for illegal entry to Dominica, Norde said Choksi did not have any criminal case in Antigua and Barbuda and the proceedings against him were civil in nature, which shows that he is a man of good character.

The lawyer said the new bail act says a defendant is entitled to the relief as a right unless the offence is of a serious nature.

The Dominica High Court, which was hearing a habeas corpus petition filed by Choksi, had ordered him to be presented before the magistrate to face charges of illegal entry.

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