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Health Tips: From weight loss to treating skin problems, five reasons why Jamun is a must have this summer

Health tips

Health Tips: The summer season is full of suffering and diseases for all. For people who have problems with arthritis, asthma and cardiovascular issues, summer is the most difficult time in the whole year. The pollution and dust present in the air along with the heat make it more unbearable. People may have to go through stomach and respiratory problems. Apart from this, a person with a weak heart can also be a victim of heart failure. However, one thing that is good in summer is that we get to consume different types of fruits. Fruit saves us from being dehydrated in summer and removes many body problems. Jamun is a nutritionally rich fruit available in the summer season, by consuming which you can overcome the problems caused by the heat.

But note that it is absolutely forbidden for kidney or renal patients to consume jamun, because it contains potassium, which can be harmful for these diseases.

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Maintains sugar level and provide relief in digestive issues

Jamun maintains blood sugar and people who are suffering from diabetes can also consume them. Apart from this, eating jamun gives relief from stomach related issues like constipation, indigestion, gas etc.

Improves haemoglobin level and good for heart disease

Due to the abundance of vitamin C and iron in Jamun, it increases haemoglobin in the blood. Apart from this, such properties are found in Jamun which are beneficial for heart patients.

Heal skin problems and treat gum problems

By eating jamun and applying its pulp on the face, there is no problem of acne and pimples. Apart from acne and pimples, many other skin related problems can be avoided by consuming Jamun. Along with the fruit, the leaves of Jamun are also very beneficial for humans. Its leaves are helpful in treating gum problems.

Treat lung problems

Jamun is also considered extremely useful for the treatment of respiratory issues. Jamun is a natural antibiotic which keeps away the problems and diseases related to the lungs. Jamun juice proves effective in cold, cough, asthma and other diseases.

Improve Metabolic dysfunction and helps in weight loss 

The gallic acid found in Jamun is known to improve metabolic dysfunction. Metabolic dysfunction occurs when there is an abnormal chemical reaction in the body that increases or decreases the amount of certain elements needed to keep the body healthy. Along with this, berries have also been considered helpful in reducing weight.

This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Take the methods, and claims mentioned in this article as suggestions only; DNP India does not confirm or refute them. Consult a doctor before implementing any such suggestions/ treatment/medicine/diet.

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