
HEALTH: Are You Preparing For Government Exams? Here Are The Tips To Keep Yourself Stress Free

Surbhi Gupta
New Update
Education health tips for competitive exams aspirants

According to several reports by Lancet, one in every seven Indians suffers from some form of mental disorder. This situation prevails among the Indian students who are preparing for government exams. This happens because of the structure and conduction of government exams in India. Students find themselves swinging between hope and despair.


Health Issues Faced By Students

Aspirants of competitive examinations suffer from various health problems.Students face both physical and mental health problems. Majority of aspirants develop eating disorders during their exam preparation. Eating disorders are extreme behaviours, emotions and attitudes that revolve around food and weight issues.Students also suffer from gastrointestinal problems while studying for exams. It is shown in studies that study stress can make them worse.

Mental Health Worsen

Anxiety disorders are considered as the most common among the aspirants. Anxiety makes it difficult for students to perform basic functions,interferes with daily life, and causes an immense amount of stress and fearful feelings. Some common symptoms of anxiety disorders are-

Feelings of stress and apprehension


Trouble concentrating


Sweating and dizziness

Depression Among the Aspirants

Depression is usually observed among the students preparing for government exams.Sometimes, it could lead to other symptoms or suicide. Depression is a common but serious illness that leaves candidates feeling helpless and completely isolated from the world.

Tips To Live Stress Free

- You should manage time for studies. Instead of long sittings, take a break after two to three hours of study. This will help to control gastro problems.

-It is always good to eat at short intervals. Must include vitamins, protein and minerals in your diet. So you may gain strength to study.

-Regular exercise is recommended even if students have a tight schedule of study.

- Students suffering from severe eating disorders must seek professional help.

- To resolve mental health issues during     exam preparation, the best technique is to prefer counselling.

students life STUDENTS Physical health Mental Health Care Mental Health lifestyle healthytips government exams Exams tips Exams prepration Education India Education DNP India Competitive exams aspirants
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