Highest cases of corona in a day in Delhi, 28,867 new patients found in 24 hours

The number of new cases of corona in Delhi is increasing continuously. In the last 24 hours, 28,867 new cases of corona have been reported in the capital of the country, which is the highest number of corona cases in a day. The positivity rate in Delhi has increased to 29.21%. The number of corona patients in Delhi was 94,160, which is the highest in about eight and a half months.

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The number of corona cases in the country is also increasing continuously. The number of daily cases of corona in India has crossed the two lakh mark. A jump of 27% has been registered in the cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours. In the last one day, 2,47,417 new corona cases have been registered with a tremendous jump in the country. On Wednesday, a total of 1,94,720 cases were registered in the country and in a single day this figure has reached close to 2.5 lakhs. Cases are increasing so fast that in the last 16 days, the daily cases of Covid have increased almost 39 times. On December 28, 6,358 Covid cases were reported.

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