Over 15.6 crore vaccine doses available with states and UTs: Health Ministry

The Union Health Ministry has stated on Monday that more than 15.6 crore of balanced and utilised doses of COVID-19 vaccine are available with the stated and Union Territories.

According to data more than 116 crore vaccine doses have been provided to the states and UTs so far.

A total of 23,84,096 vaccine doses have been administered under the mass vaccination drive in the last 24 hours.

India’s Covid-19 vaccination coverage has exceeded 108.47 crore as per provisional reports of Monday morning. This has been achieved through 1,09,98,126 sessions.

A total of 11,06,32,907 people above the age of 60 years have been administered with the first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, the Union Health Ministry said.

Meanwhile out of 183,72,723 frontline workers 1,6,37,946 other have been fully vaccinated, says government data.

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