Vladimir Putin has announced mass vaccination

From next week in Russia, the work of applying the corona virus vaccine to common citizens will start. President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday ordered officials to begin vaccination against the corona virus from next week. Putin told Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova that you will not give me any report next week but will start vaccination across the country. Even after making corona virus vaccines, cases of corona virus in Russia continue to increase.

Over 20 lakh doses ready
Putin said that more than 2 million doses of Sputnik V vaccine have been prepared. He directed the officials today to complete all vaccinations preparations from next week.

Russia announced to prepare the vaccine on August 11
Let me tell you that Russia has announced a massive vaccination at a time when many companies including Pfizer, Moderna are fast in getting approval for emergency use of their vaccines. Significantly, Russia announced the first in the world to prepare Corona vaccine Sputnik V on August 11. Putin then said that the vaccine would be given to people engaged in risky services in the initial stages.

Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova says that vaccination may begin in December on a large scale voluntary basis. On December 2, 25345 new Corona cases have been found in Russia. With 2,347,401 infractions, Russia Kovid is at number four in the world in 19 cases. America is at number one, India at second and Brazil at third. There have been 41053 deaths since the epidemic started in Russia.

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