Hyundai claims that flying cars will be a reality by the end of the decade, Details

Hyundai claims that flying cars will be a reality by the end of the decade, Details

Hyundai: The concept of such a vehicle is something that Hyundai, a South Korean automaker, has intended to develop, surprising many automotive experts across the world. Hyundai is actually combining its two distinct designs to create a flying automobile. A detachable drone will be included with the flying vehicle. That is to say, this vehicle will be able to simply fly through the air in addition to filling the road’s furrow. With the US Trademark Office, Hyundai has also applied for a patent for this design.

Hyundai claims that flying cars will be a reality

Land vehicles and airborne vehicles both have their limitations, claims Hyundai. However, this idea provides the answer to all of his issues. This idea can function flawlessly both on the ground and, if necessary, in the air. In addition, Hyundai is looking into synthetic and hydrogen fuels. On the other hand, it will employ a battery and an electric motor.

The two major issues with electric cars are charging and range. However, in this idea, a drone is also provided in addition to the electric car. The drone on top of the car can in this scenario serve as a mobile charging station for the electric vehicle if the battery of the car runs out or drains. The automobile won’t need to be taken to another charging station as a result. Its battery pack and power output, however, have not yet been made public.

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