Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on HIV prevention

The ongoing worldwide efforts to prevent HIV have been badly affected due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There has been a huge decline in HIV testing and prevention. Due to this the death toll due to HIV has also increased. Actually, the lockdown imposed around the world to prevent the spread of coronavirus affected the public healthcare system in many ways.

This posed serious challenges in countries where HIV cases were high. Till now no vaccine has been made for HIV, so anti-retroviral treatment is needed to keep the infected alive.

Last year, the Global Fund released a report according to which, compared to 2019, the number of HIV prevention and treatment has decreased by 11% in 2020. At the same time, there was a decrease of 22% in HIV testing. Scientists around the world have focused on Covid-19, which has impacted HIV programs and has increased the risk of people infected with it. The COVID-19 pandemic has put a halt to HIV prevention efforts.

Human immunodeficiency virus directly attacks body cells. Especially on such cells that help the body fight infection. Due to this the body becomes more vulnerable to other infections and diseases. Immunity decreases.

If a patient is infected with HIV, then within a few weeks he may have fever, sore throat and fatigue, flu-like symptoms. When it turns into AIDS, the patient starts losing weight, no infection is easily cured. This causes death.

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