14th August India Pakistan Partition Day: PM Modi said – the pain of partition of the country cannot be forgotten

Partition Vibhishika Memorial Day will be celebrated on 14th August, a day before Independence Day. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced to celebrate it. On this occasion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi remembered the heroes who lost their lives for the country. On this occasion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted, “The pain of partition of the country can never be forgotten. Due to hatred and violence lakhs of our sisters and brothers were displaced and even lost their lives.” PM Modi wrote in the next tweet that this day will not only inspire us to eliminate the poison of discrimination, animosity and ill-will, but it will also strengthen unity, social harmony and human feelings.

Prime Minister Modi further said, ‘This day of Vibhijan Vibhishika Memorial Day will not only inspire us to eliminate the poison of discrimination, animosity and ill-will, but it will also strengthen unity, social harmony and human feelings.’ The tragedy of partition of India and Pakistan will be remembered for centuries. It was one of the biggest events of the twentieth century.

Lakhs of people were killed in the riots during the partition. Fighting with the British were fighting among themselves. Women suffered the most in this fight. The homes and lands of Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan were occupied by Muslims. They were advised to leave Pakistan and go to India and those who did not leave their land were killed.

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