I.N.D.I.A: Amit Shah Criticizes Nehru’s Decisions on Kashmir, Cites Two “Major Blunders”

Amit Shah

In a parliamentary session on Wednesday, Home Minister Amit Shah criticized India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, asserting that two “major blunders” made by Nehru had prolonged the sufferings of Kashmir residents. Shah highlighted these perceived errors while responding to a debate on the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bill, 2023, and the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Amendment) Bill, 2023.

Shah Identifies Two Historical “Mistakes”:

  1. Ceasefire Declaration:
    Shah stated that Nehru’s first mistake was declaring a ceasefire in Kashmir without securing the entire region. He contended that if a ceasefire had been declared three days later, Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) would be an integral part of India today.
  2. UN Involvement:
    The second blunder, according to Shah, was taking the Kashmir issue to the United Nations. He argued that the internal matter should not have been internationalized, and if it had to be, it should have been presented under Article 51 rather than Article 35 of the UN Charter.

Shah’s Perspective on Historical Impact:
Shah asserted that if Nehru had taken different steps, a significant portion of territory would not have been conceded, and PoK would be under Indian administration today.

Opposition Walkout and Response:
Following Shah’s remarks, opposition leaders staged a walkout from the session. However, they later returned. Congress MP Pramod Tiwari responded to Shah’s assertion, emphasizing the challenges faced by the army during that period, including limited resources such as planes and tanks, and the difficulty of crossing rivers and streams.

The comments by Amit Shah rekindle historical debates on decisions that shaped the Kashmir issue, contributing to the ongoing discourse on the region’s complex history and geopolitical dynamics.

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