India: Will gyms in Delhi open from August 5?

India is about to enter the Unlock 3 phase of the coronavirus pandemic which have more relaxations in the lockdown norms. In the upcoming Unlock 3, in the month of August, the Central government has given a green light to gyms and yoga centres to resume however schools, metros and cinema halls are still meant to remain shut.

After the Central government’s permission, now it is up to the state governments whether they want to allow these relaxations or not.

In Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal-led AAP government has given a nod to hotels, hospitality services, street hawkers to operate.

Although weekly markets in Delhi will resume for a week, but only for a trial basis, after which the Delhi government will assess the situation.

Meanwhile strict social distancing norms still have to be adhered to at these place, the Delhi govt has said.

However, about opening of gymnasiums and yoga centres, the Delhi government does not share the same norms as the Centre.

As per reports, team Kejriwal is yet to decide on whether to allow gyms to open in Delhi or not.

”The chief minister has said that a decision on this will be taken in a week’s time after consulting with all stakeholders,” Hindustan Times quoted a government official as saying.

Source- India TV

Marriages, other events with guest restrictions of 50 people can now be organised in the national capital.

“These decisions are in continuation of several important decisions taken by CM Arvind Kejriwal in the past few days to ensure Delhi’s economy, which was impacted severely by the lockdown, gets back on track,” said a statement issued by the office of chief minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday.

The statement further added, “Since hotels of Delhi are no longer linked to hospitals, Delhi government has also decided to allow normal functioning of hotels and hospitality services, as already permitted under Centre’s unlock guidelines.”

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