RLP becomes second NDA ally to break out over farm laws

RLP, NDA, Beniwal, RLP Quits NDA

RLP, NDA, Beniwal, RLP Quits NDA

The Rashtriya Loktantrik Party breaks up with National Democratic Alliance over their stand against the three farm laws by the center.

RLP chief MP Hanuman Beniwal made this annoucement at a rally Shahjahanpur, Rajasthan.

“Am I stuck to NDA with Fevicol? Today I announce that in protest against the farm laws, and after seeing problems that the farmers are facing, I am leaving NDA,” he said. Beniwal

“When these three Bills were brought in Lok Sabha, Hanuman Beniwal was not in the House. I was kept out of Lok Sabha on the pretext of a false Covid-19 report. Had I been there and these Bills were introduced, I would have torn and thrown them,” he said.

RLP is the second alliance of BJP after Akali Dal to break alliance with the NDA over the farm laws.

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