Pramod Sawant to hold the post of CM of Goa for the second time in a row

The new CM of Goa will be Pramod Sawant. He is elected CM in the BJP Legislature Party meeting held in Panaji on Monday. He will hold the post of CM of Goa for the second time in a row.

Party Legislature Party meeting held in Panaji

Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Tomar and former Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis were present as party observers in the BJP Legislature Party meeting held in Panaji. After the discussion in the meeting, Pramod Sawant was declared the leader of BJP Legislature Party.

According to sources, BJP has sought an appointment with the Governor of Goa this evening. In this meeting, Pramod Sawant will present his claim for the post of CM. It is believed that with the help of allies, BJP will be able to form the government again in Goa.

BJP won 20 out of 40 seats in the election

In the recent elections, BJP has got 20 out of 40 seats. In such a situation, they needed only the support of one more MLA to form the government, which they can easily get.

Pramod Sawant is considered a soft spoken and gentle politician. He never gets distracted by criticism. His simplicity is his great strength. In his short tenure of about three years, people have seen him working on the Corona epidemic and Toute storm.

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