Tata Motors registers a drop in YOY sales, 74172 total units sold in November 2023, Details

Tata Motors registered total sales of 74,172 units in November 2023, Details

Tata Motors: In November 2023, Tata Motors Limited sold 74,172 cars both domestically and internationally, down from 75,478 units in November 2022, the firm said in an exchange report on Friday. Read on to learn more.

Tata Motors November Sales

Comparing November 2023 to the same month last year (Y-o-Y), Tata Motors reported a 1% decrease in its overall domestic sales. As per a regulatory filing with the BSE, the business reported selling 72,647 vehicles in India in November 2023, down from 73,467 units sold in the same time of the previous year.
In comparison to November 2022, when there were 75,478 units sold, Tata Motors’ total sales in the domestic and international markets in November 2023 were 74,172.

Commercial Vehicle sales

Sales of commercial vehicles from Tata decreased 4% year over year to 28,029 units in November 2023 from 29,053 units sold in the same month the previous year. In November 2023, the company sold 26,579 commercial cars, down 3% from 27,430 units sold in the same month the previous year.
According to the company’s BSE filing, total sales for trucks and buses that are part of the medium-heavy and intermediate commercial vehicles (MH&ICV) domestic and foreign business were 12,895 units in November 2023, as opposed to 12,673 units in the same month the previous year.

Passenger Vehicle sales

46,068 passenger vehicles (PVs) were sold domestically, including 46,068 EVs. Furthermore, sales of PV International Business (PV IB) decreased by 81% to 75 units throughout the month. Tata Motors reported a 1% decline in total passenger vehicle sales in November 2023, with 46,143 units sold when domestic and international passenger vehicle figures were combined. Interestingly, the Electric Vehicle (EV) segment—which includes both domestic and international—saw growth, with 4,761 units sold in November 2023, up 7% from the same month the previous year.

Domestic Sales

The entire number of domestic sales for Tata Motors during the month was 72,647, indicating a 1% decline from November 2022.

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