Tesla Cybertruck Encounters First Collision on US Roads; Details Inside

Tesla Cybertruck

Tesla Cybertruck Collision: Tesla Cybertruck was one of the greatest electric offerings launched in 2023. After coming on the roads a few months ago, the electric pickup truck has recently faced its first road accident on the US roads. It is reported that the Tesla Cybertruck managed the collision with another vehicle during the crash as the driver was reported safe getting minor injuries on the body. The driver sitting in the other vehicle was also safe after the accident.

The Autopian report mentions that the accident occurred on December 28 on California Highway Patrol at around 2:05 PM (local time on State Route 35 US). The collision reportedly happened outside San Jose. It explains the accident by stating that a Toyota Corolla driver came off the road and came back to cross the double yellow line, resulting in a collision with a Tesla Cybertruck. 

The Cybertruck’s driver reported to be safe receiving minor injuries which didn’t need any emergency treatment. There were also two passengers sitting inside the electric pickup truck, both of them were safe with no minor injuries after the accident occurred. The driver on the other end of the Toyota Corolla was also reported safe after the collision. 

What Happened to Cybertruck 

The road accident left Cybertruck with deep scratches on the left side. The electric pickup truck’s fender cladding was completely damaged and fender claddings were found missing. The side curtain of the Tesla Cybertruck was deployed due to an impactful collision. On the other side, the Toyota Corolla received more damage than the Cybertruck as the sides of the Corolla were heavily damaged. 

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