The Quirky Constellations of Human Nature

SRM University AP

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Ah, human nature, a perplexing tapestry of quirks, contradictions, and surprises. It’s like navigating through a bustling marketplace where every individual is a unique stall selling their own brand of eccentricity. As we stroll through this metaphorical marketplace, let’s take a moment to appreciate the peculiarities of human behaviour, akin to various everyday objects.

Some individuals resemble the Eno fruit salt. They burst into our lives with infectious energy, akin to the effervescence that greets water. Their enthusiasm is palpable, and their presence is electrifying. Yet, much like the fleeting fizz of the Eno, their excitement dissipates as swiftly as it arrives, leaving us wondering if it was all just a temporary spectacle.

Then there are those who are akin to eclairs. Just like the candy with its two layers, they present themselves in dual personas. Initially charming and appealing, they soon reveal a stickiness that clings to us uncomfortably, causing irritation and inconvenience. Much like trying to enjoy an eclair while battling the adhesive discomfort, interacting with them becomes a test of patience and dental fortitude.

Ah, the common flu personalities. They seem to pop up incessantly, like an unwelcome guest who never got the memo about staying away. With their arrival comes a flurry of discomfort—blocked noses, running noses, and aches aplenty. No matter how hard we try to evade them, they always manage to find a way to make their presence felt, leaving us longing for the day they finally bid us adieu.

And then there are those who resemble chewing gum. They come in various flavours, each promising a unique experience. Initially, they provide a burst of sweetness, tantalizing our taste buds and leaving us craving more. But as time passes, the flavour fades, leaving us in a quandary: do we continue chewing, hoping for a resurgence of sweetness, or do we spit them out and move on?

Ah, the Indian gooseberry, or amla, personalities. Not the most palatable at first encounter, they require a catalyst to unlock their hidden sweetness. Like the amla needing water to bring out its sugary essence, these individuals need the right circumstances to showcase their true colours. Once the conditions are right, however, they reveal a delightful sweetness that takes us by surprise, leaving us wondering how we ever doubted their potential.

On the flip side, we encounter those who resemble big, polished green chilies. They exude an irresistible allure, tempting us with their glossy exterior. But much like taking a bite into one of these fiery peppers, our initial attraction soon gives way to a bitter taste, leaving us regretting our impulsive curiosity. And let’s not forget about the tiny yet formidable Carolina Reaper chilies. At first glance, they may seem innocuous, but one bite is all it takes to unleash a torrent of fiery agony that leaves us scrambling for relief.

Much like these potent peppers, interacting with such individuals can leave us reeling for days, desperately seeking solace from the searing discomfort they leave in their wake. Finally, we come across the dandelions of human nature. Fragile and fleeting, they drift through life like a gentle breeze; their presence is ephemeral yet enchanting. Just as we begin to appreciate their beauty, they are whisked away by the whims of fate, leaving us longing for just one more moment in their company. So, as we meander through the bustling marketplace of human nature, let us spare a moment to ponder the constellation of personalities that surround us. Each one unique, each one quirky, and each one adding its own flavour to the rich tapestry of human experience. Embrace the diversity, cherish the eccentricities, and revel in the delightful unpredictability of it all.

While the kaleidoscope of human nature keeps life endlessly entertaining, it’s imperative to discern the individuals who form our respective constellations. In this context, it’s apt to recall Oscar Wilde’s words: ‘Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.’

By: Dr. Srabani Basu – Associate Professor – Dept. of Literature and Languages; SRM University -AP.

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