Not long after Ruhani Sharma’s leaked private scene from the movie Agra caused a stir, another actress from the same movie finds herself in a similar predicament. Priyanka Bose, who is renowned for her stirring performances, is currently experiencing a surge in attention after a video of her in a nude sex scene went viral on internet.
Agra Movie’s Dark Drama and Its Bold Scenes
Agra, directed by Kanu Behl, made a big impression during its 2023 Cannes Film Festival debut, receiving praise for its powerful tale and audacious storytelling. The film examines a young man’s suppressed sexual urges and how they affect his relationships and ideas. In addition to Rahul Roy, Vibha Chibber, Priyanka Bose, Ruhani Sharma, Sonal Jha, and Aanchal Goswami, the film marks Mohit Agarwal’s acting debut.
Watch the Trailer for Agra Movie Here:
With multiple sequences containing nudity and graphic material, Agra movie is not afraid to explore sexual subjects. Aanchal Goswami and Ruhani Sharma both feature in powerful, explicit situations, and Priyanka Bose makes two appearances in intimate scenes.
Ruhani Sharma Mocked After Explicit Scene Leaks
Agra received good reviews at Cannes, although it hasn’t yet been released in theatres in India. But now, the movie is facing piracy problems as snippets of its bold sequences are making the rounds on social media sites like Reddit. The performers involved are in a difficult situation as a result of this, especially Ruhani Sharma, a well-known character in Telugu film. Because of the leaked scenes, Ruhani Sharma has been the target of online mocking, which prompted her to openly address the matter in a letter.
Awaiting Release and CBFC Certification
The film Agra received a ‘A’ rating from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), but the releasing date in India is still unknown. The film is still highly anticipated due to its contentious nature as well as the performances, which have already won praise from critics around the globe.
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