Barbenheimer fever grips Mouni Roy! Actress dazzles in one-shoulder bodycon dress; Check out her pictures

Mouni Roy

The most anticipated Hollywood films of 2023, Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer and Greta Grewig’s Barbie, battled at the box office on July 21. They have received a great deal of appreciation from both fans and reviewers. Mega-budget films are becoming increasingly popular around the world, and the Indian audience adores both of them.

Fans started the phrase ‘Barbenheimer’ on social media just before the debut of these films, which helped the films attract a wider audience, and this term is still popular on social media platforms. The Barbenheimer fever reaches Bollywood and actresses are treating fans with their amazing and glamorous appearances.

Mouni Roy raises the temperature in black

Bollywood actress Mouni Roy is famous for her glamorous and sizzling appearances. She raises the temperature high online with sizzling looks. The actress uploaded pictures on her Instagram account with the caption, “Shoveling with Oppenheimer’s brilliance, dancing freely in Barbie energy.”

In the pictures, Mouni Roy looks ravishing in the one-shoulder bodycon dress that featured cut-out detailing. She is giving sultry and beautiful poses in the pictures. Her glam is undeniable and makes her look stand out. Her beautiful appearance is taking over the internet and the pictures are making rounds of the internet. The actress opted for glossy makeup and left her hair open.

Fans reacted to the pictures

As soon as the pictures went viral, fans praised her beauty in the comment section. One user wrote, “really love your style.” Another user wrote, “Beautiful beautiful beautiful.” The comment section was flooded with heart and fire emojis.

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