Binny & Family: The upcoming Bollywood film Binny & Family is leading the headlines these days. Sanjay Tripathy directed this flick, is a family movie addressing the communication gap between the generations. In a latest video, Bollywood star Varun Dhawan, director-producer Subhash Ghai and Ekta Kapoor were seen praising the film’s intriguing concept. The film is set to release on 20th September.
Varun Dhawan Praises Binny & Family
In a video shared by Viral Bhayani, Varun Dhawan was seen talking about the upcoming film. The ‘Main Tera Hero’ actor praised the concept of the film and how it can be watched by anyone. He said, ‘I came to know about Binny & Family because of two friends of mine Shashank Khaitan and Varun Gupta’ ‘They watched the film and said this is a great movie, at first, I felt a bit offended’ he added. He also said, ‘When I watched the movie, I was so moved by the film’ ‘I think Binny & Family is bringing back those family values and you can watch it with your family’ he added.
Subhash Ghai also complimented the film. He said he has watched the movie twice, the first time when Mahaveer asked him to watch, and the second time when he wanted to watch it. Ekta Kapoor also loved the film. She said after watching the I wanted to present it. Ekta also sheds light on the importance of Grandparents in our lives.
About Anjini Dhawan and her film Binny & Family
Anjini Dhawan came into the light when netizens got to know about her family background. Anjini is Varun Dhawan’s niece and the lead actress in the upcoming film ‘Binny & Family’. She’s 20 and is the daughter of Varun’s cousin Siddharth Dhawan. Recently, Varun Dhawan took to Instagram and posted pictures with his niece. He captioned it, ‘Welcome to the movies.’ Her debut film is set to release on 20th September. Apart from Anjini, the film will feature big names like Pankaj Kapoor, Rajesh Kumar, Charu Shankar and Himani Shivpuri. The film’s main concept will revolve around the communication between the two generations in a family and will address family-related issues.
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