The wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant was a star-studded affair and several celebrities attended the wedding to flaunt their graceful appearances. The videos of these celebrities made rounds on the internet and garnered attention among the online audience. Amongst the popular celebrities, Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya also garnered attention and he was seen dancing his heart out in several clips. A latest clip of the cricketer is going viral online which showed him asking for tequila while partying.
Hardik Pandya Asks for Tequila While Dancing
Hardik Pandya was among the guests who rocked the dance stage with energetic and continuous dance. He accompanied Ranveer Singh and they both performed with grace and enthusiasm at the wedding. Their videos of dancing together made rounds on the internet and sent the audience into a frenzy. Hardik looked dapper in the traditional attire and he completed his look with stylish transparent glasses. A video has grabbed eyeballs on Twitter (now known as X) and it is going viral all over the social media platform. This video showed Hardik asking for tequila while dancing on the DJ Beats. This video showed that he partied hard at the wedding and left no chance to make it memorable for him.
Hardik Pandya’s Special Honour at Wedding festivities
Hardik, along with his teammates Rohit Sharma and Suryakumar Yadav went to attend the wedding festivities of Ambani wedding after winning the T20 World Cup. Nita Ambani welcomed them there and honored the sportsmen for their outstanding performances throughout the tournament.
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