Actress Minu Muneer has accused prominent actors including Jayasurya, M Mukesh, Maniyanpilla Raju, and Idavela Babu of sexual harassment, sending the Malayalam cinema industry into chaos. In a stunning series of disclosures made public on social media, Minu detailed several instances of verbal and physical abuse she endured while filming a 2013 film. Her accusations follow calls for swift action and responsibility following the release of the Justice K Hema Committee’s report, which revealed widespread harassment and exploitation of women in the Malayalam film industry.
Minu Muneer’s Allegations of Harassment and Abuse
Minu Muneer shared her traumatic experiences on social media. She explicitly mentioned the actors that mistreated her both physically and verbally in 2013 while they were making a movie: Jayasurya, Mukesh, Maniyanpilla Raju, and Idavela Babu. She detailed multiple unsettling on-set and off-set experiences in a poignant Facebook post.
Taking to News agency ANI, Minu Muneer said, “Once as I was coming out from the toilet, Jayasurya hugged me from behind and even kissed me forcefully. After that, Idavela Babu expressed his interest in a sexual relationship with me. Once when I was driving to a new shoot location, Maniyanpilla Raju sat with me in the car and started asking questions about my husband and how I would manage without him here. I told him that he had misunderstood me. Maniyanpilla Raju once told me that I should keep my hotel door open at night but I refused. After this, I wasn’t given films….”
Allegations Against Idavela Babu and Mukesh
Minu Muneer additionally claimed that Idavela Babu, who is presently the secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA), had deceitfully invited her to his flat. She was allegedly physically molested during a harrowing event that began as what she believed to be a conversation about her association membership.
Minu also claimed that she was refused membership in AMMA by M Mukesh, a well-known actor and Legislative Assembly (MLA) member for the ruling CPI(M) party, when she declined his advances. She conveyed her anguish and aggravation at not being able to find employment or assistance in the Malayalam film industry, which compelled her to go to Chennai in order to get away from the constant abuse.
Seeking Justice and Accountability
The courageous disclosures made by Minu Muneer highlighted the issue of women being exploited in the Malayalam film industry. She claimed that when she moved to Chennai to get away from the abuse, nobody offered to help her, despite the seriousness of her circumstances. She expressed regret for being accused of not making “adjustments” after speaking out against the abuse.
“In 2013, I endured severe physical and verbal abuse while working on a film project,” Minu wrote in her social media post. “I tried to persevere and continue my career, but the situation became intolerable, forcing me to leave the Malayalam film industry. I am now seeking justice and accountability for the trauma I have endured and request action against those responsible for these heinous acts.”
Calls for Investigation and Government Action
One of the accused, actor Maniyanpilla Raju, called for a thorough investigation in reaction to these grave charges, claiming that there may be special interests behind them. He underlined the necessity of conducting an investigation to separate the guilty from the innocent.
The Kerala government has taken action due to the seriousness of the situation. In a recent high-level meeting with senior police officials, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan announced the creation of a seven-member special investigation team to look into the mistreatment of female performers in the Malayalam film industry.
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