Hrithik Roshan: The ad has created a lot of noise and Hrithik Roshan is going through controversy after playing in the advertisement of a product which has a connection with a pan masala brand. Released online on Wednesday, this ad features Hrithik in a cinematic scenario that is somewhat similar to Tom Cruise’s iconic roles in the movies “Top Gun” and “Mission Impossible.” In the video, Hrithik is dropping his on-screen lady love at a private airport, only for her to try to rob his box of silver-coated cardamom. He tries out the product and then takes a private airplane to go back and return to her the bag that she forgot in a way.
Visual Appeal Meets Public Backlash
While the advertisement is striking in terms of visual effects and the interesting plot, it has also ignited a massive backfire. The public and the media both were holding forth on the issue. The people were, on the one hand, unhappy with the fact that Hrithik, whose lifestyle is closely tied to health, involved himself in endorsing a product that was associated with pan masala. A product of which the consumption of chewing tobacco is one part of it was criticized, and the product”s potential health risks that are still in question. Many fans resorted to social media to voice their concern, pointing out that the endorsements of such products could affect the public health negatively.
Hrithik Roshan’s Ad Sparks Widespread Discussion
This incident has brought back the debate about the celebrity endorsement and the moral obligation that comes with it. Publicly, Hrithik’s choice to promote a product related to pan masala has become one of the many questions related to the role of celebrities in public behavior and health choices. The dialogue is ongoing, and Hrithik’s staying power with the brand is a hot topic not only in the media but also in the fan community.
Hrithik was most recently seen in the film “Fighter” with Deepika Padukone on the professional front. He is scheduled to join the project of War 2, one of the most awaited films of Jr NTR and Kiara Advani Lost amid the ongoing controversy, Hrithik keeps making ripples in the film industry by his work that gets the public curious and excited.
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