Janhvi Kapoor’s stunning appearance at the Rajadhiraj music event at Mumbai’s NMACC has once again gone viral on the internet. As she is getting ready for her role in the next movie “Devara,” the actress wowed everyone with her sophisticated attire and indisputable attractiveness.
A Bridal Look in a Red Saree and Green Blouse
At the event, Janhvi Kapoor captivated all eyes with her stunning red saree, which was adorned with a heavy golden border that added a royal touch to her look. She paired it with a green blouse that featured intricate golden embroidery, perfectly complementing the saree and highlighting her natural grace.
Accessorized to Perfection
Janhvi’s choice of accessories added a unique flair to her ensemble. She wore a heavy green choker necklace, matching earrings, a traditional nose pin, and a delicate bindi that enhanced her traditional look. Her minimalistic makeup and neatly parted hairstyle added a refined touch, leaving onlookers in awe of her beauty.
Fans Shower Janhvi with Praise
It’s hardly surprising that Janhvi Kapoor’s photos from the occasion have received over 310,000 likes on social media. Her admirers have been flooding the comment section, calling her a “desi queen” who radiates fire-like brightness and offering copious amounts of praise. The excitement around her upcoming film “Devara,” in which she will star with Junior NTR, has only grown as a result of her chic appearance.
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