On Saturday (May 20), everyone is wishing Jr NTR on his birthday, but there is one wish that has caught everyone’s attention. Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan wished Jr NTR on Twitter, in response to which the ‘RRR’ actor also thanked Hrithik by tweeting. The fans are very excited to see this as Hrithik has dropped a major hint in his tweet due to which fans are speculating that Jr NTR will be seen clashing with Hrithik in the film ‘War 2’.
Jr NTR and Hrithik Roshan will lock horn in ‘War 2’!
For many days, there are news circulating that Jr NTR is going to be seen in ‘War 2’ alongside Hrithik Roshan and now the tweet of both has almost confirmed this news.
Although Hrithik Roshan did not mention anything about the film in his birthday wish, his tweet is giving many hints. He took to twitter and wrote, “Happy Birthday @tarak9999! Wishing you a joyous day and an action packed year ahead. Awaiting you on the yuddhabhumi my friend. May your days be full of happiness and peace…until we meet Puttina Roju Subhakankshalu Mitrama”
Responding to Hrithik’s tweet, Jr NTR wrote, “Thank you sir for your lovely wish! I’m going to soak in the day today…You should start counting down the days too… Hope you sleep well thinking about what awaits because I want you well rested at the yuddhabhoomi, see you soon!”
About ‘War’
For many days, there are reports that Hrithik Roshan and Jr NTR have been signed for ‘War 2’. Ayan Mukerji will reportedly direct this film. ‘War 2’ will be the 6th installment of YRF Spy Universe.
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