Kangana Ranaut on Chirag Paswan: Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut is making a lot of buzz as she prepares for the release of her upcoming movie “Emergency.” In the midst of all, she recently spoke up about the viral photo with Chirag Paswan in an interview. She made a startling admission in response to the relationship rumours. The rumors began after Chirag Paswan congratulated her on her victory from behind when she first arrived at Parliament as a Member of Parliament from Mandi. Since then, speculations about their relationship have intensified.
Kangana Ranaut Talks About the Rumors
Kangana Ranaut was questioned about the swirling rumours with Chirag Paswan in an interview with Aaj Tak. She laughed and said, “Let’s leave Parliament aside. It is the Constitution’s temple. There, I speak for my whole constituency, and I’ve known Chirag for a very long time. He is a very good friend of mine. Just because he made me laugh a couple of times, people have started making a big fuss. Now Chirag even changes his route to avoid the commotion.”
Rumors Surrounding Kangana Ranaut and Chirag Paswan
Together, Kangana and Chirag Paswan starred in the film “Mile Na Mile Hum,” which did not do particularly well at the box office. Their reunion after almost 13 years generated a lot of attention, and social media users saw their pictures and videos go viral. This sparked rumours regarding their relationship.
The Journey of Kangana and Chirag
On September 6, Kangana’s movie “Emergency” is scheduled to release. Conversely, Chirag Paswan, who had a brief stint in Bollywood, is currently involved in politics as both a Central Minister and the National President of the Lok Janshakti Party (Ram Vilas).
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