Kangana Ranaut: BJP MP from Mandi and Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut recently shared sad news with the fans. One of the most-anticipated films of the B-town, Kangana Ranaut’s directorial Emergency got delayed once again. The actress with her team handle took to social media and announced the film’s delay. The film was expected to release today, 6th September but it got postponed.
Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency Postponed
Based on the 1975 Indian Emergency directed by Kangana Ranaut couldn’t get the censor board certification. The ‘Queen’ actress shared an emotional message on her social media account and thanked the fans for their patience. She said, ‘With a heavy heart I announce that my directorial Emergency has been postponed, we are still waiting for the certification from the censor board, new release date will be announced soon, thanks for your understanding and patience.’
With her flick’s postponement announcement, Kangana Ranaut also mentioned that the new dates will be out soon, keeping fans engaged. This is not the first time that Emergency couldn’t get a certificate from the censor board. Previously, the film was set to release in October-November 2023 but later the dates were changed to 14th June 2024. Due to the Lok Sabha Elections, Emergency’s release date was pushed back to 6th September.
About Emergency and Kangana Ranaut
Emergency is a film based on the 1975 Indian Emergency. Kangana Ranaut is playing the character of former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the film. On 30th August 2024, the ‘Fashion’ actress claimed that the film was being denied a certificate. The reason she stated for the denial was the external pressure on the Central Board of Film Certification. BJP MP Kangana Ranaut was constantly in the news because of the release of Emergency. Recently, she made headlines with her controversial remark on farmer’s protest then she took over the internet with her song ‘Ae Meri Jaan.’ Now, the film has been postponed for the time being.
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