Mastram fame Abha Paul crosses all limits of boldness in this web series, watch video

Mastram fame Abha Paul: Abha Paul has also worked in ‘Gandii Baat’ web series. The actress does not need any recognition today. She came in limelight for her popular web series ‘Mastram’. This web series is full of bold and intimate scenes. You can watch this web series on MX Player for free.

Credit: YouTube, MX Player

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Mastram’s story is quite bold

The story of this web series is of a writer named Rajaram in the 1980s. He loves to write books and earns his living by selling them. But people do not read the books written by him because they get bored after reading with his piece of writing. One day he meets a friend in despair and explains why he is sad. That friend took the writer to a cinema hall and showed him a beautiful love story movie and told the writer that nowadays people like to watch these things. So start writing this kind of story. Later the author started writing stories suggested by his friend and the books became popular. What happens next in this bold web series, for this you can enjoy this web series on MX Player.

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