Nivin Pauly: These days, the Malayalam Film Industry is constantly on the news. With the release of the Hema Committee report, many women and actresses are opening up about the misbehaving they experienced in the industry. Amid these shocking statements, many Mollywood actors are getting wrapped up in the sexual assault controversies and making headlines. Recently, Nivin Pauly, a popular Malayalam actor also got caught in the scandal. On 3rd September, a woman registered a rape case against 6 people including Nivin Pauly. To which, the ‘Premam’ actor broke his silence and called it “Baseless”.
Nivin Pauly called the Allegation “Baseless”
After getting dragged into the #MeToo row, Nivin held a press conference and expressed his thoughts about the scandal. The actor called the sexual assault allegation on him, a conspiracy and claimed that he doesn’t even know the lady accusing him of the rape. The actor also said that he would legally fight this battle. While addressing the press conference held on 3rd September, Malayam actor, Nivin Pauly said, ‘I saw the news just now. I don’t know that girl, and I haven’t seen her. This is a baseless allegation.’ ‘The news is affecting us because I have a family’ he added.
The actor also stated the reason for calling a press conference he said, ‘I called for this press conference at this time because I am 100% sure that I am not at fault. An FIR has been registered, and I will handle the case according to the law and will fight against it.’ ‘I will go to any extent to prove the truth. This will take time’ he added.
Nivin also shared an Instagram post saying the sexual abuse report was false. He said, ‘I have come across a false news report accusing me of abusing a girl. Please know that this is entirely untrue. I’m determined to go to any extent to prove these allegations are baseless and will take all necessary steps to bring those responsible to light. Thank you for your concern. The rest will be handled legally.’
Mollywood Actors Facing the Sexual Assault Allegations
Except for Nivin Pauly, there are a few prominent names in the Mollywood industry accused of similar cases. Famous Malayalam actor Jayasurya is also in the light for sexual misconduct, not once but twice. The first report against him was filed on 28th August while the second was two days later on 30th August. The Malayalam actor Jayasurya is in the United States and has denied the allegations. Apart from him, Malayalam actor Siddique is also under fire for a major misconduct scandal. An actress filed a complaint against him for raping in 2016 in Thiruvananthapuram’s hotel. Idavela Babu is also accused of sexual misbehaving.
With actors, there are also Malayalam filmmakers who have been accused of rape and misbehavior. The two major names are Ranjith and Thulasidas.
Hema Committee Report
Ever since the release of the Hema Committee Report, the Malayalam film industry has been facing major turmoil. This report has addressed the issues women face in Mollywood. It includes Sexual assaults, discrimination and a lot more. It was first submitted to the Kerala government in 2019.
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