Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is all set to welcome her first child, and her fans couldn’t be more excited. During her pregnancy, Deepika has become a topic of discussion for her maternity outfits, once again proving that she is a style icon. Recently, she was spotted out with her new look. After being previously criticised for being careless during her pregnancy, Deepika’s latest appearance shows a more refined and stylish side. Let’s take a closer look at her recent appearance.
Perfect Fashion for Expecting Moms
Deepika Padukone was seen on a dinner date, and her outfit caught everyone’s attention. She was dressed in a floral-printed, long green and pink loose kurta, paired with stylish trousers. After being trolled for wearing heels during pregnancy, this time, Deepika opted for comfortable flat belly shoes. With just a few weeks left until her delivery, she confidently flaunted her baby bump in style. Her outfit is undeniably perfect fashion inspiration for moms-to-be.
How to Style Yourself Like Deepika
If you are planning to go out just a few weeks before your delivery, you can take inspiration from Deepika Padukone’s style. Pair a loose, comfortable kurta with trousers and keep your look simple with minimal nude makeup and open hair. During her appearance, Deepika also carried a stylish bag that added to her overall look. Her radiant smile was the perfect accessory, showcasing how much she is enjoying this phase of her life.
Deepika Padukone Ready to Welcome Her First Child
Deepika Padukone was recently seen in the film “Kalki 2898 AD,” and her upcoming movie is “Singham Again.” She is fully prepared to welcome her first child with husband Ranveer Singh in September. Fans are eagerly waiting for the arrival of their little bundle of joy.
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