The Desi Girl, Priyanka Chopra is well-known for maintaining a prominent profile on social media. It goes without saying that she has a huge fan base that adores her. The actress never passes up a chance to win over her fans. She recently returned to India for her brother’s engagement and went to a premiere party for her Marathi movie, “Paani.” Around this time, Priyanka was featured in a social media video that went viral and showed her doing something that moved a lot of people. Let’s investigate Priyanka’s recent media attention.
What’s Special About the Video?
A widely shared video on social media features Priyanka Chopra alongside her mother at an occasion. Priyanka surprised her followers by gently fixing her mother’s hair in this video. Following the release of the video, the “Desi Girl” received a shower of praise from the public. Priyanka’s admirers were in awe of this tender moment, and there’s no denying her deep affection for her mother. In addition, Priyanka and her mother Madhu Chopra are co-producing the Marathi movie “Paani.”
Priyanka Chopra’s Stunning Traditional Look
Priyanka looked stunning in a blue, sleeveless floral suit that she paired with matching churidar pyjamas and dupatta for the occasion. Her open hair and minimal makeup finished the appearance and added the ideal amount of elegance. This traditional look has been winning hearts, further adding to her charm.
Attending Her Brother’s Engagement
In addition to attending the special event for her Marathi film, Priyanka was in Mumbai to attend her brother Siddharth Chopra’s engagement ceremony. She captivated everyone with her stunning appearance and several pictures from the event have taken social media by storm. Priyanka once again left everyone mesmerised with her grace and charm.
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