Superstar Ram Charan and his wife Upasana Kamineni welcomed their first child, a daughter, on Tuesday (June 20) in Hyderabad. Mother and baby are both doing well, the hospital shared in a statement. Congratulations to the actor and his wife have been pouring from all corners and the latest to join the celebrations is Ram Charan’s RRR co-actor Jr NTR.
Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni welcome baby girl
Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni have welcomed a baby girl after 11 years of marital bliss. The couple announced their pregnancy earlier this year. The Konidela family now rejoices with the birth of their ‘mega princess.’
A medical bulletin released by Apollo Hospital in Hyderabad announced the birth of the baby. The statement reads: “Upasana Kamineni Konidela and Ram Charan Konidela had a baby girl on 20th June 2023 at Apollo Hospital, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. Both the baby and mother are doing well.” Ram Charan’s father, superstar Chiranjeevi, and family visited the new parents in hospital today to welcome the new arrival. An official announcement from the new parents and family is awaited.
Ram Charan’s father and megastar Chiranjeevi also took to Twitter to share the heartwarming news. In a tweet, he wrote, He wrote, “Welcome Little Mega Princess !! You have spread cheer among the Mega Family of millions on your arrival as much as you have made the blessed parents @AlwaysRamCharan & @upasanakonidela and us grandparents, Happy and Proud!! (sic).”
Jr NTR welcomes Ram Charan to the parents’ club
Amir rumors of a rift between the RRR actors, Jr NTR has taken to Twitter to extend hearty wishes to Ram Charan. In a tweet, he wrote, “Congratulations @AlwaysRamCharan and @upasanakonidela. Welcome to the parents club. Every moment spent with the baby girl will be an unforgettable memory for a life time. May God bless her and you all with immense happiness. (sic).”
Wishing Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni the best of everything as they embark on this new chapter!
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