The due date of Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s first child is much anticipated by Bollywood fans, and the most recent rumours have given the tale an intriguing new angle. According to News18, Deepika is anticipated to give birth to her child on September 28, 2024—a date that has a special significance for another prominent Bollywood actor, Ranbir Kapoor. This happens to be Ranbir’s birthday. Ranbir is Deepika’s co-star and ex-boyfriend; the two have a rich history together.
The couple originally made their pregnancy public in February 2024. At that time, they stated that their baby was expected in September, although they did not provide a specific date. Fans are buzzing about the possibility that Deepika may give birth on September 28 and are amused by the unexpected coincidence with Ranbir’s birthday.
Deepika Padukone’s Maternity Journey
With her elegant public appearances, Deepika Padukone has become a maternity fashion icon, inspiring many during her pregnancy. She is currently taking a well-earned vacation from her work obligations and is purportedly on maternity leave till March 2025.
Deepika Padukone’s Work Front
Deepika is prepared to return to her film ventures after her break. Her primary emphasis will be returning to the screen in the much awaited Kalki 2898 AD sequel, where she will appear with Bollywood icons Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan, and Prabhas. She also intends to begin production on the much awaited The Intern adaptation, which will once again star Big B.
Fans Await the Special Day
Fans are buzzing with anticipation as Deepika and Ranveer prepare to become parents and discover that their child may share a birthday with Ranbir Kapoor. Whether the baby arrives on this momentous day or not, supporters are ready to show their love for the celebrity couple and their new bundle of joy.
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