Ranveer Singh: Due to his energy, talent and strong acting, Ranveer Singh has been very popular among fans. Despite recent films not doing well at the box office, their brand value has not diminished. Actors have gone ahead of many celebs in terms of brand value. In terms of fashion, the actor has defeated many celebs. According to Kroll’s report, in the year 2022, Ranveer Singh is on top of India’s most valuable celebrity. He has left behind Virat Kohli.
Brand value of Ranveer Singh has increased by 29.1 percent
According to new data, in 2021, the brand value of Ranveer Singh has increased by 29.1 percent. Ranveer’s brand value of 2021 was $158.3 million. If reports are to be believed, the brand value of Ranveer Singh is $181.7 million. This means that he is very popular among the masses. In this regard, Ranveer is even more popular than Virat Kohli, who has been holding the title for the last five years. Talking about the report of Celebrity Brand Valuation Report ‘2022: Beyond the Mainstream’, Virat Kohli’s brand value is $176.9 million. Earlier in the year 2020, the brand value of Virat Kohli was $ 237 million and in 2021 it was $ 185.7 million.
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Top 5 celebrities of the world
Other stars like Virat Kohli and King Khan of Bollywood have a higher brand value than Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh. Top 5 celebrities of the world are Akshay Kumar, Alia Bhatt, Deepika Padukone, Shah Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan. Of these, Akshay Kumar, Alia Bhatt and Shah Rukh Khan are in the top 5. Amitabh Bachchan, Sachin Tendulkar and MS Dhoni are also in the top 10.
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