Salman Khan: The charismatic Bollywood superstar Salman Khan made an appearance as a special guest at an eco-friendly Ganesha idol launching in Mumbai. Wearing a light-colored t-shirt and pants, Salman Khan made a stunning entrance on stage. With his trademark dance moves to the famous song “Jalwa” from his movie Wanted, he brightened up the stage. Cheers and claps reverberated across the arena as soon as Salman performed his signature hook step. Always the crowd-pleaser, Salman gave his devoted followers waves and kisses, enhancing the intensity of the moment.
Salman Khan’s Dance to ‘Jalwa’ Steals the Show
A video of Salman Khan’s performance quickly went viral after being shared by a paparazzo on Instagram. As expected, netizens flocked to the comment section to share their thoughts. One user quipped, “Salman sir aap to mote ho gye hai,” while another praised, “Sher of Bollywood.” A third fan expressed admiration with, “Bhai ki jhalak sabse alag.”
Salman Khan Reflects on ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’
On August 23, Salman Khan’s beloved movie Maine Pyar Kiya was re-released in theatres, bringing back fond memories for viewers. As he thought back on the movie, Salman recalled a heartfelt incident from the recording of the well-known song “Kabootar Ja Ja.” He reminisced, saying, “I was about 18 years old, and there was a truly memorable moment during the shoot for the song Kabootar Ja Ja Ja when I suddenly knew that this was the role for me. During several narrations, I’d imagine Jackie Shroff or Anil Kapoor in those roles, but I could never actually see myself doing big films. That moment was the first time I really felt, ‘Yes, I can do this.’ I had tears in my eyes.”
Salman Khan’s Upcoming Film and Recent Project
For his next movie Sikandar, which is being directed by AR Murugadoss, Salman Khan is busy filming. Rashmika Mandanna and he will appear on screen together in the movie. The last significant role he played was in Maneesh Sharma’s Tiger 3, costarring Katrina Kaif.
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