Sarojini Naidu Centre for Women Studies, Jamia Milia Islamia collaborate with Navya Nanda, Clustera and Yuvaa to empower women entrepreneurs

Sarojini Naidu Centre for Women Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia collaborated with Yuvaa, Clustera and Navya Naveli Nanda  for advocacy and fellowship with Seed funding opportunities for budding girls and women entrepreneurs with innovative and interesting ideas. Prof Bulbul Dhar James, the Director, Sarojini Naidu Centre for Women Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia introduced the facilitators and the Collaborators  and the Vice chancellor Padmashree Prof Najma Akhtar.

Recognizing the Importance of the Initiative

Prof Bulbul emphasized the need to break the silence on the  issue of Street harassment. She highlighted the significance of the initiative and also acknowledged the support of the Indian Bank, Jamia Millia Islamia and L’oreal. The Vice Chancellor, JMI flagged the crucial concern of public harassment of women and girls that has gradually become an inescapable part of her life.  Most girls  regard public harassment as inconsequential owing to its regular recurrence and omnipresence and we need to know ways to counter it. While the statistics paint a grim picture, the reality is even darker. Several cases of public harassment and molestation go unreported, as women often choose to ignore such acts due to fear of escalation, fallback, and the shame associated with being violated in such ways. The VC, JMI  also drew attention to female empowerment which can be achieved through  women’s education, awareness, literacy, and training. Women’s empowerment equips and allows women to make life-determining decisions through the different societal problems. Initiatives like this by Yuvaa now & Navya Naveli Foundation are welcome so as to translate ideas n initiatives where funding is a challenge, she said.

Understanding Street Harassment Forms

Beginning with an introduction by Yuvaa and a short training workshop by breakthrough on countering Street harassment of myriad forms: eve-teasing (including making passes, obscene gestures, whistling, leering), molestation, and physical and verbal harassment. With a focus on the 5 D’d – distract, delegate, document, delay and finally direct interface, the training very effectively – with an Audio visual cum interaction with student participants highlighted dealing mechanism we could follow. This was followed by an Illustrious and awe inspiring experiential interactive presentation,  the Founder and director of Yuvaa interaction and experiential narratives by Navya Naveli Nanda and Nikhil and Yash of Yuvaa, a Social Impact initiative.

Engaging with Gender, Intersectionality, and Mental Health

Many a comments and Questions were raised and addressed  around the themes like gender, intersectionality, and mental health in relation to the theme and the Coping behavior. Interesting areas that were brought in were “Men ki baat” on matters of mardangi. issues The Discussion went on till beyond the allocated 7.30 pm with informal “baat cheet” with selected 50-60 girls with interesting ideas. A portrait of Navya Nanda made by Dr. Faiz from the Fine Art Department, JMI was presented by the Sarojini Naidu Centre to Navya on the occasion.

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