Superstar Mohanlal of Malayalam was admitted to the hospital in Kochi recently due to a fever, breathing difficulties, and muscle aches. After being admitted, the actor had examinations at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences. Following his treatment, he was given strict instructions to remain in bed the whole time. Physicians have recommended that he stay out of crowds and rest for the next five days due to a suspected respiratory infection.
Mohanlal’s Health Update
The hospital released a medical statement with information regarding the actor’s condition. In a statement signed by Amrita Medical Professor Dr. Gireesh Kumar KP, the 64-year-old actor was diagnosed with a high-grade fever, dyspnoea, and widespread muscle pain. The doctors have recommended medicine and a five-day rest period since they believe the patient has a viral respiratory infection.
Symptoms of Viral Respiratory Infection
A viral respiratory infection can present with a range of symptoms, including:
- High fever
- Difficulty breathing
- Persistent cough
- Muscle pain and fatigue
- Sore throat and congestion
It’s critical to get medical help right away if you or someone you know has these symptoms.
How to Stay Protected
Take into consideration the following safety measures to lower your chance of catching a viral respiratory infection:
- Avoid Crowded Places: Stay away from crowded areas where the virus can easily spread.
- Practice Good Hygiene: Regularly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Wear Masks: In public places, wearing a mask can help prevent the spread of respiratory infections.
- Boost Your Immune System: Eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and stay hydrated to keep your immune system strong.
- Get Vaccinated: If available, consider getting vaccinated against common respiratory viruses like the flu.
Recent Activities and Upcoming Projects
After finishing the shooting period in Gujarat for his forthcoming film L2: Empuraan, which is helmed by Prithviraj Sukumaran, Mohanlal recently made his way back to Kochi. In addition, he has been busy with the post-production phase of his directorial debut, Barroz. Fans are eagerly anticipating information on the superstar’s initiatives, despite his health setback, which is expected to be resolved soon.
Barroz Release Date Postponed Again
In related news, Mohanlal revealed on social media that there has been another delay in the release date of his highly anticipated fantasy movie Barroz. The movie was supposed to come out in March 2023, but there have been several delays. It has been rescheduled for October 3, 2024, from its original September 12, 2024 date.
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