Ananya Panday and Uorfi Javed recently made headlines on social media when they were spotted together. Ananya exuded her typical grace while showcasing her carefree sense of style in a stylish black co-ord outfit with white stripes. The true focus, though, was on Uorfi Javed, who is renowned for her daring and unusual style. This time, Uorfi pushed the boundaries even farther by donning a white garment adorned with a decorated chipkali (lizard) that moved nonstop across her upper body. Her unique and imaginative ensemble attracted attention.
Social Media Reactions
Fans quickly took to social media to share their thoughts. One user commented, “Urfi is one woman who is on her own respect,” while another said, “Kourtney & Kendall in Indian version.” A third added, “Uorfi’s ability to consistently surprise with her fashion choices keeps her in the limelight.”
Ananya Panday’s New Series
On the other hand, Ananya Panday is gearing up for Prime Video India’s series Call Me Bae. The trailer introduces her as Bella ‘Bae’ Chowdhary, a New Delhi heiress leading a luxurious life with seven cars, a helicopter, and a fairytale wedding. But when her family disowns her, Bae must start over in Mumbai.
This eight-part series, directed by Collin D’Cunha and produced by Dharmatic Entertainment, also stars Vir Das, Gurfateh Pirzada, Varun Sood, and others. Premiering on September 6, Call Me Bae will be available in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada.
Uorfi Javed’s New Show
Uorfi Javed, who gained fame from Bigg Boss OTT, has become a social media sensation with her provocative outfits. She embraces the attention and controversy, turning it into a personal brand. Her new Prime Video show, Follow Kar Lo Yaar, explores her life and fame in a nine-episode series directed by Sandeep Kukreja. This show offers a peek into Uorfi’s unapologetic approach to fame and her quest to be rich and famous on her own terms.
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