Urfi Javed sizzles in different looks in her recent photoshoot with DIRTY magazine. The Bigg Boss OTT fame dropped a BTS video of the photoshoot, leaving her fans in awe. She can be seen sporting a range of bold outfits, from a metal breastplate to a silver saree, with her pink hair adding to the diva vibe. Netizens are calling her an “international diva” after seeing the video.
Urfi Javed looks bold in the videos
In the video, Urfi is seen donning a black fishnet dress and covering her breasts with black tape and her hands. She is also seen in a silver saree with black tape covering her breasts and sporting a metal breastplate in another shot. The feather in her outfit is showcased in the boldest way possible in the second last video. In the last video, Urfi is seen posing while chilling.
Netizens call her ‘lite Billie Eilish’
Urfi’s bold looks in the photoshoot have gained a lot of attention on social media, with her fans praising her for the photoshoot. Her stunning looks and poses have left her fans in awe. One user wrote, “proud of you.” Another user wrote, “Now u look like international model.” The third user wrote, “Don’t mind but lite Billie Eilish.”
Urfi’s popularity has been growing ever since she appeared on the reality show Bigg Boss. Her latest photoshoot has only added to her popularity, with her fans eagerly waiting for more such looks from her in the future.
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