Viral Video: One funny video of the TV show Kaun Banega Crorepati 16 has surfaced on social media, after which it went viral. In the video, there is a funny conversation between the caller and Amitabh Bachchan, who was on the line from the KBC studio. When Bachchan introduced himself with his iconic line, “I am Amitabh Bachchan speaking,” the caller, frustrated by a scam call, replied jokily, “I am Shah Rukh Khan” speaking.
Social Media Reacts to Hilarious KBC Interaction
Actually, thinking it to be a fraud call, the person in front gave this kind of reply to Amitabh Bachchan. It is worth noting that fraud calls and memes about Amitabh Bachchan’s voice and Kaun Banega Crorepati always go viral on social media. In such a situation, this video is currently in discussion in which you can see that after watching this joke with Amitabh, people are rolling with laughter and the people sitting there are in a bad state.
This light-hearted interaction has got the attention of the internet, causing a laughter and sharing spree on social media platforms. First shared on Twitter by the handle Keh Ke Peheno, the video has, since then, again received a lot of very funny comments. One viewer wrote, “Ghazab Beijjati hai yar”, while the other stated, “Kya bhai mai hota to bolta m Donald Trump bol rha hun America se.” Another wittily commented, “Shukar hai gaali nahi diya.”
How a Humorous KBC Clip Captured the Internet’s Heart
In this manner, as the video is now viral as a consequence of the reactions of the audience, it can only be noted that people are really going to love it, especially in unexpected and humorous instances, if big celebrities are involved, like Amitabh Bachchan. The aforementioned video clip will not only be for entertainment purposes; more than that, it shows how social media can boost funny scenes into phenomena.
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