
Momo lovers take note! Can excessive eating of THIS Chinese cuisine lead to cancer, diabetes and more? READ

Aparna Singh
New Update
Momos lovers

The people of India are very fond of food. Indians are on top in trying different types of cuisine. Sweet, salty and spicy, all kinds of flavours are loved in India. Apart from Indian food, foreign cuisine is also very much liked in India, especially Chinese food, which people eat a lot. Momos are the favourite snacks of the youth in Chinese cuisine. But do you know that continuous consumption of momos can invite many dangerous diseases.


Different studies and reports which have been done, especially according to the US Department of Agriculture, excessive consumption of momos can cause unhealthy effects in the body. Consuming momos made from refined Flour may lead to high blood pressure, sugar and even cancer.

Momos contain monosodium glutamate which can lead to weight gain and heart diseases

Maida, which is also called refined flour, is a product of wheat, but while making it, protein and fiber are removed, due to which the tendency of flour becomes acidic. When you eat momos in excess, this flour starts absorbing the calcium present in the bones of your body. Many dangerous chemicals are used while making momos, in which monosodium glutamate causes the most damage. This compound is used to improve the taste and quick cooking of momos, but its excessive amount in the body may causes weight gain and heart related diseases. Although monosodium glutamate is used in all momos, there is no information or data about it.

Chlorine gas and benzoyl peroxide are used in momos

Apart from monosodium glutamate, chemicals like chlorine gas and benzoyl peroxide are used in many momos which may increase the sugar level of the body. According to a medical institute in Ranchi, these chemicals can be used in the momos available in the market which are not light yellow in colour. Apart from this, the stuffing of momos of some shops contains stale vegetables or meat and sometimes rotten vegetables can also be used. Eating stale momos can cause stomach related diseases and eating such momos for a long time can damage the intestines.

This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Take the methods, and claims mentioned in this article as suggestions only; DNP India does not confirm or refute them. Consult a doctor before implementing any such suggestions/ treatment/medicine/diet.

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