Sadhguru Tips: Can ChatGPT Help Preserve Environment? Jaggi Vasudev Weighs in on the Role of AI in Planet Conservation

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips: Since the advent of AI, many things have drastically changed the course of life. This marks the beginning of something extraordinary in the realm of technology. This has changed the way of education, corporates and businesses. However, people have started seeking help for day-to-day things with AI. The first ever AI chatbot that became widely famous was ChatGPT, produced by OpenAI. It is available and accessible to everyone which has brought a new revolution to the world. Sadhguru brings up the question of whether we can use this for the conservation of the planet.

Sadhguru on the environment crisis

In the past few years, the rising concern for the conservation of the planet has been put into debate. The conservation of natural resources is a must for the planet to thrive and live for longer. However, the lavish lifestyles of people are causing more and more harm to the environment which will be a serious concern to society. Therefore, Sadhguru combines AI to give the perfect remedy for this.

Sadhguru on the use of AI for agriculture

Sadhguru advises making use of AI to make small-scale agriculture machines that can contribute to healthy agriculture growth in the world. Moreover, he emphasises giving importance to the agricultural sector of the world. At the same time, he yearns for the proper use of technology and funds to make the planet thrive, while saving the soil.

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