Sadhguru Tips: Jaggi Vasudev weighs on the cause of all of our problems; WATCH

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips: Jaggi Vasudev always talks about several things and he teaches his devotees about living life to the fullest. Sometimes he addresses important things regarding life and recently his video about the problems made rounds on the internet people loved how amazingly he talked about dealing with problems and he also addressed the reason for problems in our life due to technology and other things.

Sadhguru talked about the cause of the problems

The video was posted on Instagram and people loved the teaching of Sadhguru in the video. In the video, he said, “Food is good for us. But if you don’t know when to..if you start eating you don’t know when to stop eating then it becomes a serious problem. The same goes for the phone, you start using it but you don’t know when to stop using. So, the problem is not technology, the problem is not anything in our lives. Fundamentally, we are living unconscious life. We are living a compulsive life. When you live compulsively then everything is a problem. There’s no one specific thing which is a problem. Everything is a problem. All the great wonderful things that come our way become serious problem in our life simply because we do it compulsively.”

Sadhguru talked to actor Vijay Devarakonda

Vijay asked Sadhguru if he could do inner engineering and meditation in his life. The spiritual guru talked about several things to him and he revealed why Vijay is not able to do it now and how he will do it in the future.

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