Sadhguru Tips: Jaggi Vasudev Weighs In On Healthy Life! Check Out His Secrets

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips: To live a long and healthy life, one has to put in their intention to work. Engaging in unhealthy habits only leads to unfulfilling results. However, for a person who yearns for a long, happy and prosperous life, a healthy lifestyle needs to be maintained. This can be achieved by following Sadhguru’s teachings on wellness and healthy life.

Boost Your Immunity

Sadhguru talks about the importance of soil in our life. He encourages and yearns for people to form a relationship with the Earth, as he believes that we are all just extensions of the planet. Therefore, he tells people to put their hands in the soil by gardening in their house or volunteering at someone else’s garden. One could also go for a mud bath.

Eat raw food

He advises people to consume more raw food or food that is only cooked 40-50%. He elaborates on this by saying that, when the food gets cooked, it kills the enzyme that aids in digestion. Along with this, many other forms of nutrients also die. This is the case for fruits, veggies and sprouts.

Showering before sleep

Showering before sleep calms our mind and body. It also purifies the blood as water runs through your body.

Drink water with care

Sadhguru says that water is essential. However, it is important not to drink it straight away from the tap. Instead, wait for a few hours after putting the water in a pot and drink it after a while.

Give your stomach a break

Let your body be hungry for a while. Instead of stuffing yourself whenever you feel hungry, giving your stomach a break will increase body and brain performance.

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