Sadhguru Tips: Know how to enhance creativity and the creative process; deets inside

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips: Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev doesn’t believe that human beings are creative and he believes that if we observe the world around us with a certain profundity, we might imitate in a variety of ways, in permutations and combinations, and appear creative in society, but we are not truly creative. Everything that could be made has already been created. At best, we are skilled artisans.

Creative Process

According to Sadhguru, when it comes to humans, nothing is the same, but everything is different. No one has horns, an additional arm, or three eyes. This is an example of inventiveness. If you wish to put human traits into simple words, everyone has two legs, two hands, one nose, two eyes, and so on. But just look at how distinct each one of them is in every way. This is the way things are.

Nobody should ever believe that we are producing something. We are, deliberately or unknowingly, recreating a few things from the images we have received. Nobody can invent anything fresh here. Anything you make, whether it’s jewellery or clothing, a structure, or anything else, in any shape or colour, already exists someplace in nature.

Is creativity natural or can it be developed?

According to Sadhguru, what we call creativity stems mostly from a sharpness of attention. Certain people are particularly sensitive to words and meanings; therefore they reflect certain things back. Certain people are particularly sensitive to forms and colours; they will express themselves in a unique way. Certain people are extremely sensitive to noises and may be able to readily generate music. In some ways, how intense and profound your attention is reflected in you.

The essence of what I’ve been attempting is to convince millions of people to pay attention unintentionally. Multidimensional creativity is very much conceivable if people can perform this one thing. They are not required to practice. Human humans are weak in attentiveness.

That people should be able to separate their memory, attention, and imagination is the core job that I have always tried to undertake. Imagination is not a problem because it is an elaboration of one’s recollection in a variety of ways. All of the animals pay close attention, but they do not have the same vivid recall as humans. However, instead of embracing this memory as a fantastic skill, most individuals utilize it to cause themselves agony. Most of the time, people are hurting from what happened ten years ago, and they may also be suffering from what may happen tomorrow.

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