Sadhguru Tips: Why Should You Look Up to Lord Ram? Jaggi Vasudev reveals the reason; WATCH

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips: Spiritual guru Jaggi Vasudev is well-liked by the public for his wide range of opinions. Lord Ram is a major figure in people’s lives and is growing in popularity on the internet. The Ayodhya Ram Temple is making headlines because of its impending consecration ceremony. Amidst all of this, a video of Sadhguru explaining the rationale behind why people should regard Lord Ram as an idol has gained a lot of attention online. He also referred to him as a national “icon.”

Sadhguru Tips: Jaggi Vasudev talks about Lord Ram in the viral video

In the video, Sadhguru can be seen talking about Babar, Mughal and Genghis Khan to tell people that they shouldn’t take these people as inspirations because they did murders of the people. He said that people should look up to Lord Ram and he is an icon in the industry. The spiritual guru said, “This is the man that you need. I want both Hindu and Muslims to remember Ram never claimed he’s Hindu but today, he’s an icon in this country. Everybody should look up to such an icon because he is exuding the right kind of qualities, not because he’s a Hindu, not because he’s this or that because he’s do is exuding the right kind of qualities which are necessary to build great civilizations in the world.”

Watch the video to know the reason briefly

If you want to know what else Sadhguru said about Lord Ram, then you should watch this video completely because in this video Sadhguru has talked very deeply and has also praised Lord Ram a lot.

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