Vastu Tips: Facing Health-Related Issues? Follow THESE Tips for Better Health; Check Out

Vastu Shastra suggests important tips about life to achieve good and great things.

Vastu Tips

Vastu Tips

Vastu Tips: In Vastu Shastra, numerous house-related regulations are listed. Each direction’s significance has been thoroughly described. To eliminate Vastu’s flaws, certain guidelines have also been mentioned. While having a Vastu of the house and according to these guidelines gives good fortune and wealth in life, faults in Vastu can lead to several issues. Vastu flaws may be the cause if a member of your family is constantly sick. It is imperative to attend to the Vastu of the house if any member of the household is ill. To be healthy, you should also heed the advice regarding medications.

Vastu Rules For Your House

Vastu Tips Related to Water and Medicines

Any water source, such as a tap, should be located between the south and west directions. You shouldn’t keep a washing machine or sink here. The homeowner’s health is negatively impacted by the presence of water in this area.

Keep medications away from the south wall if there is a sickness in the home. Medication should ideally be stored toward north or north-east. If you take medication in liquid form, store it in the north and east.

The doctor prescribes medication when someone is sick, but occasionally it is ineffective. It is important to always keep medications facing north. By abiding by these guidelines, illnesses can be avoided and Vastu faults in the home can be minimized.

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